
Herpes is caused by a common virus, the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Many people exposed to HSV may never develop symptoms. Other people may develop symptoms within a couple days, or even months later. There are two different types of the herpes: HSV1 – which is usually associated with a mouth infection (and the cause of cold sores), and HSV2 – which is usually associated with genital infections. We now know you can get either type in either place.

How would I get it?

  • Spread through unprotected oral, vaginal or anal sex with an infected partner
  • You can develop sores on your genitals if you receive oral from a partner with a cold sore
  • Herpes can be spread even if there are no symptoms or sores present (asymptomatic viral shedding)
  • It may also be passed from an infected mother to infant during birth

What kind of symptoms could I have if I am infected?

Many people will not develop symptoms even though they have contracted HSV. Others may experience:

  • Flu-like symptoms (fever, headache, muscle pain)
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Pain when peeing
  • Tingling, itching, or burning right before a sore appears
  • Blister-like sores

How do I prevent this?

  • Condoms and dental dams reduce transmission but do not provide full protection due to skin to skin transmission, thus no barrier method is 100% effective
  • Avoid any sexual contact if your partner has an active infection or showing early signs of herpes

How do I get tested?

  • A diagnosis can often be made by examination by a physician
  • Swab of a sore or a blood test; expect results to come back in 1-2 weeks – please note there can be a 3 month window period, meaning if you were exposed in the last 3 months, your result may not be accurate and should be repeated once out of the window period.

What if I test positive?

How do I know it’s gone?

  • There is no cure for herpes but it is very manageable with antiviral medication