Genital Warts (HPV)
(Human Papilloma Virus)
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a very common virus with more than 100 types identified. Some types can cause genital warts and cancer of the cervix, vulva, penis, anus, and throat.
How would I get it?
- Spread through oral, vaginal or anal sex or intimate skin-to-skin contact with an infected partner
What kind of symptoms could I have if I am infected?
- Many people contract HPV and do not know it as they do not develop symptoms
- Whether symptoms develop depends on the type of virus you may have, whether you have been vaccinated and your general health
- Genital warts are cauliflower-like growths that can be itchy, painful during sex, bleed with sex or shaving, and may increase in size and amount during pregnancy
- Abnormal pap tests, bleeding between periods or after sex, itchiness, or pain to vulva, penis, anus or throat should be investigated
How do I prevent this?
- Condoms and dental dams reduce transmission but do not provide full protection due to skin to skin transmission, thus no barrier method is 100% effective
- There is a vaccine to prevent against the common types of HPV that cause cancer (even if you have had an HPV infection before)
How do I get tested?
- A diagnosis can often be made by examination by a physician
What if I test positive?
- Treatment for genital warts is available through prescription creams or cryotherapy